In our lab we use different methods of procession and histological, cytological, histochemical, cytochemical and immunohistochemical stains for precise and fast diagnostics.
Tissue samples are routinely stained by Hematoxylin & Eosin method.
Cytology samples are routinely stained by May-Grunwald-Giemsa method.
Cervico-vaginal smears are routinely stained by Papanicolaou stain.
Some cytological samples are processed by the cytospin method. Hettich Rotofix 32 A with 12 stations is used for this purpose. This device provides for collection of cells on a glass slide within a rectangular field for optimal morphological assessment, especially for samples with a limited cellularity. This method is also useful fur quantification of neutrophils in joint effusions as well as for immunocytochemical stains.
With certain fluids, besides the CYTOSPIN method we also prepare CYTOBLOCK. By combining the fixation methods, we turn the cytological sample into a cell block. This provides for additional morphological assesment of the sample as well as for immunohistochemical analysis suited for formalin fixed paraffin embeded (FFPE) tissue.
Cytological samples are additionally stained by Perjodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) method.
In our lab we employ the following histochemical stains:Modified Giemsa, PAS, Alcian Blue, Mallory Trichrome, Reticulin Stain, Ziehl-Nielsen and Grocott.
In our lab, the following antibodies are routinely applied: ALK (Dako and Leica), AMACR, Bcl-2, Bcl-6, Calretinin, CD10, CD117, CD138, CD15, CD1a, CD20, CD23, CD3, CD31, CD34, CD4, CD45, CD5, CD56, CD61, CD68, CD8, CD99, Chromogranin A, Cyclin D1, Cytokeratin 19, Cytokeratin 20, Cytokeratin 5/6, Cytokeratin 7, Cytokeratin-MNF, Cytokeratin 34bE12, Estrogen Receptor, GFAP, Glycophorin A, Hepatocyte, IgKappa, IgLambda, Ki-67, Melan A, MUM-1, Myloperoxidase (MPO), Myogenin, p63, Pax-5, PLAP, Progesterone Receptor, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), S-100, SMA, Synaptophysin, TdT, Thyroglobulin, TTF-1 and Vimentin.
Also, we routinely test for amplificaion of Her-2/neu (HercepTest nga DAKO), and expression of PD-L1 (Dako; Lung) and ALK (f Leica).
Our goal is to increase the number of immunohistochemical markers by making sure that the quality of stains is preserved.
Referral of biopsy material and paraffin blocks in the following address: Mati 1, B-Relax, V-Hyrja 1, K.1-L6,1 10000, Prishtinë, Kosovë